Thursday, July 15, 2010

Entry Response #3: The Cahill Family Branches

As we begin to meet our characters, we will see that they each have their own personality. Each of these personalities belong to a different branch of the Cahill family. Pick 2 of the following 3 questions and answer them below:

1) Pick a character and make a guess as to which family it belongs to. Use what we know about the characters to explain why...

2) Which of the characters will be the biggest threat to the children? Which will be the least? Again, use your knowledge of the characters so far to provide examples...

3) What do Amy and Dan have, in terms of skills and knowledge, that will help them on their journey? How good of a chance do you think they have in beating out the other 6 teams?


  1. 2. the character that is biggest threat is the hults. the least of a threat is jonah wizard.
    3. amy and dan have many skills at there disposal

    books ,whit, and knowing there grandmother

    by william E yager

  2. 1. I think that Dan belons to the Janus family, because the wolf is a very strong and brave creature. I said this because though Dan can be dumb from time to time or distracted he usually has his smart, strong, and fearless moments.

    2.I think that Alister O., is the current biggest threat to the children. This is because he has all the Intel, that the kids do and he also has the book "Poor Richards Almanack" that the kids were using for there clue. - Storm

  3. i think dan is appart of the janus because he is good with figering out stuff when he found the secret and he found the cat and save d it with them and the cat did not want to leave because he was scratching dan and he spotted the guy in the tree watching them and he is brave and strong and bold and he has good eye sight and i think that he belongs to the janus familyand i think him and his sister will win and be the most powerfullest cahill

    by mc

  4. i think that the biggest threat to the amy and dan is alistair oh because he has the book poor richards almanack becuase the amy and dan were using that for there clue and he stole it, i think that the least threat is jonah wizard because money can't buy everything.

  5. 1 As we begin to meet our characters, we will see that they each have their own personality. Each of these personalities belong to a different branch of the Cahill family.I picked jonah wizard. he is a janus because that is what i am. He is a famous tv star and he is african american.

    2 Amy and Dan have,book reading and collecting in terms of skills and knowledge, that will help them on their journey? they have a good of a chance do you think they have in beating out the other 6 teams

    by puma 67

  6. #2 The Holts are very competitive to others because they are mean and I think that they will get in second. #3 I also think that the children have a 45% of a chance

  7. I think that jonah wizard has ripped pants and lots of jewelry on hand bracelets and neckeles on him.

    i think that dan belongs to the janus family crust beacuse he acts like that. -halee

  8. amy and dan have some skills that will help them in there journey,dan has skills to see things beyond the surface of things and amy has read so many books so she knows alot of information.

  9. 1. The holts are the bear because they are big and strong.

    2. The holts because they are big and string and mean. Also there are 5 of them.
